3.3.0 Beta 1 is a free, Open Source alternative to MS Office with a Word compatible word processor, a complete Excel compatible spread sheet program and a Power Point like presentation software and drawing program and also allows to save to PDF file.

In addition, offers enhanced printing capabilities and options for direct connection with external email programs as well as form-letter management to send letters to addresses from a database. is the result of over twenty years' software engineering. Designed from the start as a single piece of software, it has a consistency other products cannot match. A completely open development process means that anyone can report bugs, request new features, or enhance the software.

What's New in This Version:

· Ctrl+F11 puts the focus into the style ListBox - The key combination Ctrl+F11 doesn't call the Style Catalog anymore. Now it puts the focus into the style ListBox in the toolbox of text, frames, OLE-objects and pictures. It makes it easier to apply a paragraph or frame style without using a mouse.
· Extended UNO AWT menu API
· Locale data for Maltese (Malta) [mt-MT]
· Locale data for Myanmar (Myanmar) [my-MM]
· Locale data for Shuswap (Canada) [shs-CA].
· Arabic entries in language list box
· Arabic entry in language list
· Languages classified as RTL
· Locale data for Tok Pisin (Papua New Guinea) [tpi-PG]
· Classified some languages as CTL
· Positioning of axes and axis labels
· new: "Text direction" property for form controls
· Function Autopilot from inside the SRB
· Automatic binding of first table when opening a new Report
· Report output format now also available in the property browser
· Add Field dialog supports sorting and insert toolbar
· Allow anti-aliasing of drawing object...

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